Meeting Places
Restaurants didn’t just serve food, churches didn’t just foster fellowship, and a beauty shop in Shreveport wasn’t just a place for hearsay and hairdos. All over Louisiana, Civil Rights activists turned ordinary meeting places into strategizing zones for extraordinary events. From planning peaceful protests at Dooky Chase’s Restaurant in New Orleans to voter registration clinics at the Masonic Lodge in West Feliciana Parish, explore the many meeting places that paved the way to Making Rights Real.

Some of the most influential contributions to the Civil Rights Movement came from outlying cities in Louisiana.

While community leaders, including Gayle Jenkins, held grassroots meetings at Ebenezer Baptist Church in Bogalusa, the Robert “Bob” Hicks House was the meeting place for the Bogalusa Deacons for Defense and Justice...

Baton Rouge
The nation’s first civil rights bus boycott was planned at the Mount Zion First Baptist Church, led by Rev. T.J. Jemison.

Little Union Baptist Church and The Old Galilee Baptist Church were two of the primary meeting places for civil rights activists in Shreveport. Both churches welcomed Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

New Orleans
From churches to a world-famous restaurant, many meeting places in New Orleans served as ground zero to plan and organize protests during the Civil Rights Movement.